Stay Curious

It is said that: •curiosity killed the cat•.

What if curiosity was the reason the cat became the pet that it is today. Maybe we see curiosity as a brave attempt of exploration to enter a mysterious realm. Maybe we wish to be as courageous as the cat…
To be curious enough to find answers to questions takes courage because where it takes you may not be so pleasant.

How can we stay curious?

  • Find out how someone else was able to create something and attempt it
  • Cultivate being uncomfortable
  • See the world though uncorrupted eyes
  • Look for micro moments that bring you pleasure

Stay Inspired

As a creator/creative, it can be difficult to create unapologetically. Fragments of inspiration can present themselves in all forms and during the most inconvenient times.

How can we stay inspired?

Get in the habit of noting ideas and inspirations down as they arrive. Let it flow. Grab a sticky note. Write it down. Share your ideas with people that hold you accountable. Inspiration has no boundaries and is always changing.

Remember that everyone is capable of a million-dollar idea. Not everyone pursues it.

Start now.


This section is designed to keep you up to date with upcoming events or developments in the music scene that might spark an interest. More information will be forthcoming.


This section is designed to keep you up to date with upcoming events or developments in the music scene that might spark an interest. More information will be forthcoming.
